SET of 6 Cortez Mabe Pearls A and AA grade
1 in stock
Cortez Mabe Pearls are the most colorful in the world but they are produced in limited quantities (2-3 thousand per year) and have an average size of 12-16 mm in diameter, and these pearls are ones of them.
This is a group of 6 beautiful Cortez Mabe Pearls of different shapes: drops and ovals. It’s include a stunning “AA” grade pair of oval mabes, a complement pearl with lovely drop shape and also, a set of three mabes “A” grade and oval shape to create unique and unrepeatable jewelry; Could be a match of earrings and pendant, or earrings and ring, even a complete set: earrings, pendant, ring and bracelet or an amazing bracelet with multiples pearls, it’s up to you! What would you like to create with these beauties?
Whichever option you decide, would be perfect thanks to the features on these mabe pearls: Great metallic luster, interesting shapes, and the most important… their pretty natural colors. You’ll see intense pink/green (mainly) with violet and yellow shadows. Just a magical combination…
There are no other pearls in the world that poses this natural beauty and guarantee you your pearl will belong to your family’s treasure chest for generations with the same beauty.
Take advantage on this with its special price with 15% off included!
- Type of pearl: 6 Cultured Sea Of Cortez Mabe Pearls
- Pearl Size: Pair of ovals “AA”: 14.0 – 14.4 mm
- Individual drop- mabe “A”: 17.9 x 13.8 x 5.6 mm
- Set of 3 ovals mabe pearls “A”: 13.2 x 14.1 x 3.7 mm / 12.8 x 13.5 x 3.7 mm / 13.3 x 13.5 x 4.0 mm
- Pearl grade and shape: Pair is “AA” grade and oval shape, set of 3 are “A” grade and oval shape, finally, the individual mabe is drop shape and “A” grade as well.
- Harvest Year: 2022