We are very proud to share with you this news about the jewelry design competition that is being carried out through a collaboration of Columbia Gem House (#fairtradegems) with MJSA (association of jewelers) that this year takes as a central gem the CORTEZ MABE.
Basically, the MJSA Challenge is all about creating unique jewelry designs using responsibly sourced gems. The challenge invites talented designers to use their imagination and bring to life a custom piece of jewelry based on a fictional story, using gems provided by Columbia Gem House.
The selected designs will be manufactured and, in the end, raffled to deliver the money raised to CRRIFS (a wildlife rescue center here in Guaymas-San Carlos) and support with facilities to rehabilitate rescued sea turtles.
Responsibly Sourced Design Challenge: Read the Press Release: Columbia Gem House Announces Jewelry for Wildlife Fundraiser (instoremag.com)
Find out more about CRRIFS and how to help them in the Whatsup San Carlos website: Centro de Rescate, Rehabilitación e Investigación de Fauna Silvestre | CRRIFS (whatsupsancarlos.com)
To see the designs that have been presented enter this CGH Instagram page:
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